creative • integrated • sustainable

Landscape Architecture

Landscape Architecture

Landscape Architecture is the art of arranging and modifying the effects of natural scenery over a tract of land so as to produce the best aesthetic effect for the land's use. Landscape Architecture applies artistic, cultural, and scientific knowledge to the design, planning, and development of the land. Landscape Architects accept certain responsibilities related to the health and welfare of the public and are concerned with resource conservation of the land. The practice of Landscape Architecture requires an appreciation and understanding of natural and social processes, a creative imagination, and a commitment to preserve or improve the environment for human use and enjoyment.

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  • Program Development
  • Master Planning
  • Site Evaluation and Selection
  • Subdivision Research, Layout & Development
  • Project Budgeting and Scheduling
  • Site Planning & Design
  • Sustainable Design
  • Zoning Review
  • State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR)
  • Certified Professionals in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC)
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
  • Stormwater Pollution Elimination Discharge Systems (SPDES)
  • Department of Transportation Permits
  • MS4 Permitting
  • Site Plan Approval Documentation
  • Wetland Delineation and Mitigation
  • Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
  • Stormwater Management/ Green Infrastructure
  • Site Utilities Design, including Sanitary and Water
  • Grading and Drainage Design
  • Traffic Management
  • Detention and Retention Ponds
  • Retaining Walls
  • Construction Estimating
  • Bid Documents and Specifications
  • Bidding Services
  • Contract Observation
  • SWPPP Visits and Reports
  • Post Construction Review