Binghamton City School District
Binghamton, NY
Binghamton City School District
2012 New MacArthur Elementary School
In 2012, Appel Osborne completed SEQR services and began design for a new elementary school after flood damage in 2011 forced the existing school to close. FEMA's assessment of the damage resulted in the decision to demolish the existing building and build new, with a majority of the project supported by FEMA funding. Scope of services for the new MacArthur Elementary included:
- Demolition of existing flood damaged school and reusing crushed up building as general site fill.
- Construction of a new elementary school building 3 feet above design flood elevation without negatively affecting the surrounding flood plain. New building and site features incorporate vision statements provided by the community, school staff and students.
- Site design to incorporate sustainable site features such as bio-retention areas, engineered wetlands, restored native plant communities, recycled and regional materials, and porous pavement that will be utilized to assist in the pursuit of LEED Platinum Certification.
- Design site elements such as the playscapes to withstand a flood. Means of egress shall be at an elevation above the design flood elevation to allow access to the building during a flood event.
- Unique playscape features include custom rope and bridge course, a tricycle rack, custom climber pieces, an electronic play piece, large hardscape area and large planted areas with surface drainage features in between the three play areas. A majority of the playscape items are located in a space underneath the classroom wings.
- Parking design to accommodate approximately 100 vehicles. Parking is an "organic" shape and includes a bio-retention area for runoff.
- Design stronger connection to neighboring MacArthur Park as well as a new safe and secure community walking trail and new little league/softball field.
- Complete Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan report and inspection services.